Variable Area Flow Meters

variable area DFM Variable Area Low cost Flow Meter
NFX Glass Tube Low cost Flow Meter
Uniflux flow meters Uniflux Flow Meters Variable Area Flow Meter

Variable Area Flow Meters

The variable area flow meter operates on the variable area principle. Fluid flow raises a float in a tapered tube, increasing the passage area. Higher flow lifts the float more.

The float's height directly correlates with the flow rate. For liquids, buoyancy and fluid velocity lift the float. For gases, only fluid velocity affects the float.

The float moves up or down based on the flow rate and the annular area between the float and tube wall. It stabilizes when the upward force from the fluid matches the downward gravitational force.

Changes in flow rate disrupt this balance. The float adjusts its position to restore equilibrium. Each constant flow rate results in a distinct float position.

Since the float's position depends on gravity, variable area meters must be mounted vertically.

Flowquip offer a wide range of flow meters for simple, cost effective measurement of liquids and gases. Call us today to discuss your application 01422 829920 or email [email protected]