Flowquip offer a wide range of Ultrasonic flow meters from leading manufacturers such as Katronic, Flexim and Soundwater Technologies allowing us to specify the best flow meter for your application.
All our Ultrasonic flowmeters are simple-to-use and utilise clamp-on technology which negates the need to cut in to the pipework.
To have a chat with one of our technical sales team to discuss your Ultrasonic flow measurement application call us today on 01422 829920 or send us a quick enquiry.
Ultrasonic flow meters work by measuring the velocity of a liquid using ultrasound to calculate volume flow. Ultrasound is the sound generated above the human hearing range. There are two types of ultrasonic flow sensors: Transit Time, or Time of Flight, and Doppler. Both are available in a clamp-on meter configuration with transducers allowing them to detect flow rates from outside of the pipe. Transit Time flow meters use two transducers and usually work at a frequency of 1 to 2 MHz. However, a higher frequency is used for smaller pipe installations, hence the need for several different transducer sets. Subsequently, Doppler flow meters use a single transducer and operate between 500 KHz and 1 MHz.
It is very important to select the correct ultrasonic technology for your application. So for example, Doppler ultrasonic flow meters are best suited for the measurement of dirty liquids or liquids with entrained air this is because it is critical that particles in suspension or entrained air bubbles are present so that they can reflect the ultrasonic beam. Whereas, Transit Time ultrasonic flow meters are primarily used with clean liquids. The presence of solids or large quantities of air in these would attenuate the ultrasonic beam and weaken it to make measurement unreliable.
Typical applications for Ultrasonic flow meters include liquid flow measurement in full pipes. Ideal for measurement of clean liquids, including water, wastewater, oils, acids, hydrocarbons and chemical, monitoring and controlling of HVAC systems. These ultrasonic flow metering systems are ideal for applications in which disruption of flow is not an option.
The main advantage of using a clamp-on flow meter is that the technology is non-invasive, negating the need to cut in to the existing pipework. The fluid is measured by attaching two transducers on to the outside of the pipe. This method is perfect for when cutting in to the pipe, disrupting the flow or shutting down the process is not an option.
Another advantage is that clamp-on flow meters require very little maintenance. As the sensors have no contact with the flow, and they have no moving parts which means no head loss or obstruction and no wear and tear.
Another big benefit of using clamp-on ultrasonic flow meters is that this method can be used with a wide range of flow types. As long as the surface of the flow isn’t too turbulent, you can take accurate readings with your ultrasonic flow meter.
Ultrasonic flow meters are the perfect tool for potable water applications. Surprisingly, clamp-on ultrasonic flow meters can also be used in wastewater treatment and collection applications.
Should you need to hire an ultrasonic flow meter rather than buy. Our sister company Flowhire has the largest range of Ultrasonic flow meters available to hire in the UK. Visit the website here.
The ultrasonic technology market share is growing as the technology replaces older flow technologies. Improved electronic processing, increased diagnostics and a growing confidence in ultrasonic performance contribute, in part, to this growth.
All Flowquip's flow meters are non-invasive, with sensors that clamp on to the side of the pipe. This avoids the need to cut into the pipe and interrupt the flow.
Electromagnetic flow meters are another great choice for measuring water-based flow.
The KATflow 200 is user friendly, hand held portable ultrasonic ‘clamp-on’ flow meter for liquid measurement. Being fully portable and light-weight this flowmeter is incredibly easy to use and can be operated one-handed. Making it an ideal tool for use in confined spaces or when working at height.
Sensor sets are available for pipelines from 10mm to 3 metres diameter.
Additionally, the KATflow 200 offers measurement performance and features such as bi-directional totaliser, easy to use setup wizard, and integrated data logger.
With a weight of less than 700g, this very light portable flow meter can be carried in one hand, making it an ideal tool for use in confined spaces. Lastly, due to its robust housing with rubber shock protector, the flow meter is suitable for applications in tough, industrial conditions.
As with all other Katronic models, the KATflow 200 offers an intuitive instrument menu and Setup Wizard which guides the user step-by-step through the meter configuration.
Pump testing and inspection
In-line flowmeter performance verification
Leakage and blockage detection
Clean in process system (CIP) testing
Monitoring of hydraulic systems
Clean room applications
An ultrasonic flow sensor is ideal for applications where flow rates are required to be recorded over long periods of time. The KATflow 200 incorporates a data logging function with options for 30000 or 100000 measurements. Software is also provided to allow the user the facility to download the logged data to a PC. A certificate of calibration can be supplied with all new ultrasonic flowmeters offered by Flowquip.
Finally, Flowquip offer a flow meter calibration service. Our in-house, purpose-built and fully-certified calibration rigs mean that most types of flow meter, including ultrasonic, can be re-calibrated and a new calibration certificate issued.
If you have queries about our Ultrasonic flow sensors please call us on 01422 829920 or email [email protected]
Should you wish to hire an Ultrasonic Flow Meter, this can be done through our sister company Flowhire Ltd